We have partnered with Passport for Good, an organization that enables students to document their volunteer service while preparing for colleges and career opportunities.
Using Passport for Good students can download the app on his phone or log-onto the website as he performs volunteer work to document service. This means students will not need to carry a sheet of paper around to track their hours (service learning forms are still available as back up for documentation).
All students were registered on the Passport for Good website. Your son DOES have an account. His username is the e-mail he provided at the time of registration. His password was saved in case he forgot (check with Ms. Campbell).
The app can be downloaded from the play store on your son's phone. Just search Passport for Good
Here at Green Tech High, we provide Service-Learning opportunities in a variety of contexts. The graduation requirement is that students must complete 100 hours of Service-Learning experience by the end of his senior year. Service Learning is a discipline rooted in the majority of higher education experiences. In preparing our students for college, introducing them to Service-Learning in an intensive way gives them a leg up when entering college. Opportunities are provided through various academic opportunities that work to connect a community service project or partnership with the classroom topic. Reflection serves as the method by which a strong connection is made between the service and academic components.
Outside of the classroom, various Service-Learning opportunities are provided for students throughout the school year. Some examples are Senior Service Day and various opportunities that surround Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. These events are more focused on a service project, and include a reflection component to solidify the “Learning” component of the Service-Learning opportunity.
Finally, individual students have the opportunity to build a meaningful relationship with a site in the community. Through consistent service with this organization, they are able to build a relationship that eventually leads to a larger service project. In many cases, this project will draw upon the individual’s talents and skills and involves connection to academic strengths.
Overall, support is given to students to complete the graduation requirement. It is not unusual for students to exceed the recommended hour requirement.
Every Tuesday Passport for Good updates their dashboard on the progress of students who have entered hours. Click for more details