Weekend of Kindness! November 17th& 18th

Oct. 13th - Nov. 14th
Can Drive
We ask that all parents and
loved ones donate canned
goods/non perishable items.
The Advisory Class with the
most donated items will win a
Pizza Party! We appreciate any
and all donations provided!
Thanksgiving Baskets
We will compile all the student donations
(Can Drive) into baskets along with a turkey
then deliver them to families in need (who
signed up w/ Ms. Scott previously).
You must sign up via email with Ms. Scott
at SScott@greentechhigh.org
or 518-694-3400. Baskets will be served on a
first come first served basis!
Nov. 18th
GTH Feeds the Community
We will make dinner and
serve dinner at the school
between 2p-6p. No
registration for dinner
required, all are welcome
to come!
In need of Volunteers
If you, loved ones, or any
community members would like
to volunteer please reach out
to Mr. Logan at