Uniform Policy
Jan 7, 2025
Dear Green Tech Families,
Every student must be in dress code upon entering the building Monday through Friday. On Mondays
students are allowed to wear Green Tech athletic, club or school apparel or be in full uniform. On Fridays, students
who meet the criteria for dress down (No tardies, no discipline referrals, and have an 85 average in ALL classes) are
permitted a dress down day. Students who are not on the list and/or do not meet the criteria are required to be in full
uniform. Green Tech sweaters and solid color logo-less sweaters matching the assigned grade level may be worn
over the proper school shirt. The following are absolutely NOT permitted: cargo pants, painter’s pants, hospital
pants, baggy pants, joggers, or jeans. All students must be in black or tan khaki pants with a belt. Additionally,
Boots of any kind are not permitted to be worn in the building. As the winter season is here, students wearing
boots to school must change into appropriate sneakers or shoes upon entering the building.
Students not in compliance with the uniform policy will not be allowed to attend class and will be sent to
ISS until the uniform infraction is corrected. Repeated violations of the uniform policy will result in OSS, and
potential expulsion. If you need additional clarification regarding acceptable items within the uniform policy please
contact a dean.
If you are experiencing financial hardship that prevents your scholar from being compliant with the
uniform policy, please reach out to the Main Office at (518) 694-3400 or frontdesk@greentechhigh.org.
Mr Jone
Dean of Students
Office: (518) 694-3400
Email: mjones@greentechhigh.org
