January Regents Prep
Make sure that you are prepared for the January Regents exams!
U.S. History: Exam not offered until June.
English: Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00- 4:45 in room
Biology: Tuesdays during CT and Wednesdays from 4:oo-4:3opm in rooms 105 and/ or 106.
Algebra I: Mondays and Wednesdays during CT and from 4:00- 4:30 in room 100; Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-4:30 in room 216.
Chemistry: Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00- 4:30 in room 103.
Global History: Mondays and Wednesdays during CT and from 4:00- 4:30 (Mondays only) in room 110.
Earth Science: Mondays during CT and Tuesdays from 4:00- 4:30 1n room 104.
Geometry: Tuesdays- Thursdays during CT in room 102.
Algebra II: Tuesdays and Thursdays during CT in room 216.
Physics: TBD
*CT= Community Time