Dress Code Policy in effect 1/3/2022- All Green Tech Students
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) of students at Green Tech
Uniform Availability: We are pleased to inform you that our Uniform Partner Companies (Lodges and Faith Creative Names) have received a fresh supply of Green Tech uniform items for purchase as of November 1st. All backordered items are ready for pickup as well.
Uniform Policy: Green Tech High Charter School desires to create young gentlemen and scholars through upholding an educational atmosphere that maximizes learning. Safety, neatness, cleanliness, and respect are the necessary principles of our dress code. Per GTH Handbook, all students and staff are required to wear masks in the building. All students must be in dress code at all times, even in inclement weather. There will be no changes in the dress code/uniform requirements on rainy or snowy days.
Uniform Policy Enforcement: Our students’ attire should reflect honor in their school and respect for themselves. Enforcement of the uniform policy, like all other discipline matters, is based on cooperation among students, parents, and the staff at GTH. The school is the final authority on the uniform policy. If a student’s school attire is inappropriate, a parent will be notified, the student’s Community Hour privilege will be suspended for that day, and the student will also receive after- school Detention. Students will still receive demerits for correctable mask/ uniform infractions per our discipline policy. Please note that we will allow students to wear boots in school until our new lockers are installed!
A complete Green Tech uniform for students is as follows…
· Black or Tan Kh
· A GTH button down shirt and GTH tie (Polos on Thursdays)
· Sneakers or shoes
· Jeans/ denim, coats, hoodies, slippers/ Crocs/ sandals are not allowed
We encourage all parents and students to make sure they have all necessary uniform items by the New Year as all uniform infractions will be enforced according to the Student Code of Conduct on January 3rd, 2022! Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation in safely educating your son!
Admin Team @ GTH