Attn Grades 6-12 Parents! The deadline is Friday 10/6/23
BCDI Albany’s Entering the College Zone (ECZ) Persistence program is a mentoring program designed to support and encourage students in grades
6 th – 12 th so they graduate high school ready to enter the college zone! The
program runs from October – May. Scholars will receive mentoring from
college students (or college graduates) virtually one-on-one and in
supervised small group settings. The program is free!
Sign up for Entering the College Zone – Persistence! Open to scholars in
grades 6th -12th
Scholars set academic goals with college mentors (Griots)
Regular mentoring and goal check-ins
Supervised small group activities
Annual ECZ field trip event at a local college (planned)
Fun, engaging way for student to look ahead at a college and career
For more information and to register, email or call 518-888-7890.