حياة الطالب
اللامنهجية في Green Tech
تفخر Green Tech High بتقديم العديد من البرامج والأندية للطلاب للمشاركة فيها. بدءًا من برامجنا الرياضية المنتصرة إلى نوادي الطلاب وأعضاء هيئة التدريس ، هناك شيء ما يجذب إليه كل طالب. لدينا فهم قوي جدًا لـ أهمية المشاركة خارج الفصل الدراسي لطلابنا. توفر هذه البرامج مساحة حيث يمكن للطلاب استكشاف اهتماماتهم وتطوير هوايات جديدة والتفوق خارج المجال الأكاديمي بالإضافة إلى توفير تجربة اجتماعية إيجابية مع أقرانهم وأعضاء هيئة التدريس. يتعلم الطلاب مهارات القيادة ، ومهارات بناء الفريق ، والمسؤولية عن الأشياء التي يهتمون بها. تحقق من قائمة Green Tech اللامنهجية التي تقدمها!
Arts Club
Student art piece, masdculine face in grid
An array of student art pieces
Student art piece, feminine face in grid
Student art piece, masdculine face in grid
Graphic and Industrial Design club
Chess Club
E Sport Game Club
Gamer playing on PC
8-bit video game landscape
2 game controllers being held by 2 sets of hands in front of screen.
Gamer playing on PC
The games club allows students to be in a relaxed setting and enjoy themselves. It’s a perfect opportunity for the students to socialize with other students who have similar interests in gaming. They will be competing against other schools.
Advisor: Mr. Chris Forette
Email: cforette@greentechhigh.org
Meets: Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Marching Band, Drum Line, & Recording Studio
Student marching band perfoming
two student drummers
Student marching band perfoming
Student marching band perfoming
The marching band and drumline perform at various schools functions, sporting events and community events as well. Green Tech Recording Studio enables students to create and record their own original music with the use of professional equipment.
Advisor: Mr. Spencer
Email: gspencer@greentechhigh.org
Meets: In-School Elective & After School Practices
National Honor Society
Group photo of the national honor society inductees
Group photo of the national honor society inductees
To be inducted into the National Honor Society, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher by their junior year; must complete an application process regarding the four pillars of the National Honor Society: Scholarship, Service, Leadership and Character; Interview in front of a teacher-panel and club advisers. Students must maintain high academic standing, display amazing character, complete volunteer projects and try to be leaders in the classroom.