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12th Grade Literature

English Language Arts

1 credit

This course is the final English Language Arts course required for students to successfully complete in order to graduate. This course is designed to engage students in literature, as well as enable students to work toward an understanding of what skills are necessary to succeed in college and/or the workplace. Major themes include: “Living the American Dream;” “the Minority Experience in America;” “Living in an Increasingly Connected World; and “Writing that Leaves a Legacy.” This course will also focus on the college application process, public speaking, research, and composition


Literature 9 – 11

Green Tech High Charter School

99 Slingerland St.

Albany, NY 12202

Mon-Thurs: 7:30 am - 7:00 pm

Fri: 7:30 pm - 3:30 pm

(518) 694-3400

(518) 694-3401 fax

Mon-Thurs. 7:45 am - 5 pm 

Fri. Staff will work remotely


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